Ayurvedic Medicine Offers Health Support in New Herbal Coffee Line
Ayurvedic Medicine Offers Health Support in New Herbal Coffee Line

Ayurvedic Medicine has been healing through its use of safe and natural herbs for centuries. Combined with organic coffee, these herbs are able to provide their health supportive benefits .”

— Dr. Patricia McCartney

FORNEY, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, April 3, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Ayurvedic medicine dates back thousands of years and remains a popular form of herbal medicine to help achieve balance in the body and mind alike. These ancient herbs are part of the newest herbal innovation of Herb-n-Wellness, a holistic health platform.

The mission behind the herbal coffee offerings is to expand the health benefits of Ayurvedic herbs to people who may not normally consume them. Although the custom blends are intended to help the general public, there is hope that they will win over younger adults who may not otherwise embrace the beneficial botanicals.

The herbal coffees are formulated to offer health support that is both general and yet specific to the individuals ordering them. For those who prefer a non caffeinated option, herbs such as Dandelion Root and Chickory are used to provide a similar taste profile.

Personal Health Questionnaires are completed to provide guidance as part of the purchase process, This information is used in the selection and formulation of a customized herbal coffee protocol.

Visitors to the platform are also given the option to purchase an iris scan which can be performed remotely to assess any health imbalances. More traditional face and tongue analysis options are also available.

According to Dr. Patricia W. McCartney, a board-certified naturopathic doctor and master herbalist “the key to all of the modalities we use is prevention. All the options we feature are part of that goal. Ayurvedic Medicine has been healing through its use of safe and natural herbs for centuries. Combined with organic coffee, these herbs are able to provide their health supportive benefits in an unexpected way.

In addition to their core herbal coffees, optional add on protocols are also available to provide additional layers of natural health support. To learn more, please visit https:/www.DrPattiMcCartney.com

Dr. Patricia w. McCartney
+1 469-596-3356
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/625757847/ayurvedic-medicine-offers-health-support-in-new-herbal-coffee-line

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