ZyDoc® Co-sponsors Microsoft NYC Meeting on “Perspectives in Health care AI”

ZyDoc's EHR Documentation Solution allows physicians to dictate clinical encounters using smartphones after choosing the patient encounter from the EHR. The dictations are transcribed and automatically inserted into the appropriate sections of the EHR enc

ZyDoc’s EHR Documentation Solution allows physicians to dictate clinical encounters using smartphones after choosing the patient encounter from the EHR. The dictations are transcribed and automatically inserted into the

ZyDoc Platform Highly Rated by Capterra and Black Book Research

ZyDoc Platform Highly Rated by Capterra and Black Book Research

ZyDoc® Co-sponsors Microsoft NYC Meeting on “Perspectives in Health care AI”

AI in health care will be utilized extensively to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.”

— James M. Maisel, MD, ZyDoc CEO

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, November 15, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — ZyDoc®, a leading healthcare clinical documentation company, is proud to co-sponsor Microsoft’s NYC Meeting on “Perspectives in Health care A.I” The meeting will bring together an expert panel of medical informatics experts hosted by David C. Rhew, MD, Global Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and VP of Healthcare for Microsoft to discuss perspectives on Health Care artificial intelligence.

The in-person event is a joint meeting of The Healthcare Executives’ Club with The New York State Chapter of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and The Metropolitan New York Chapter of the Healthcare Finance Management Association and will be held on November 15, 2023, at 5 P.M. at the Microsoft Building, 11 Times Square New York, NY 10036. Pre-registration is open until November 14th and space is limited, so be sure to register soon.

The panel will be moderated by Dr. Rhew, who has extensive experience in healthcare technology and innovation. He is a board-certified physician and has held executive roles at Microsoft, Samsung, and Kaiser Permanente. He is also a member of the National Academy of Medicine and the American College of Physicians. The panel will include experts from the healthcare industry, as well as exhibitors and attendees from Microsoft, ZyDoc, and other healthcare organizations. The event will be a great opportunity for healthcare professionals to learn more about the potential of AI in healthcare and to gain insights from experts in the field.

ZyDoc’s CEO, James M. Maisel, M.D., recipient of a Special Congressional Award for his work in the two separate fields of diabetes and speech recognition, is an expert in EHRs, speech recognition, NLP, UX and PAAS and the former Chairman of HOST prior to its merger with HIMSS. Dr. Maisel commented that, “ZyDoc is proud to be a co-sponsor of the meeting. The advent of AI offers health care the opportunity for exponential improvements in all aspects of health care. The initial challenge will be in finding opportunities where knowledge workers and patients can apply this technology in an accurate, reliable and secure fashion. AI has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by providing improved diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, predictive analytics, reduced healthcare costs, and a better overall patient experience. AI capabilities in healthcare will continue to grow, and as such, it’s up to hospitals, doctors, and other decision-makers in healthcare to embrace the technology and incorporate it into their operations.”

Dr. Maisel further elaborates, “With the success stories already emerging in AI and healthcare, it’s clear that the technology has immense potential to improve patient care and outcomes. The future of healthcare heavily relies on implementing AI technology to provide patients with quicker, more accurate, and personalized care. There is no doubt that AI will be utilized extensively to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. ZyDoc is excited to explore the possibilities of AI in healthcare and looks forward to the upcoming meeting. ZyDoc hopes to leverage its enterprise platform for document generation, management and EHR interoperability with AI applications. ZyDoc’s expertise in generating large language models in specific domains and a medical language expert workforce is ideal for the development of AI in health care.”

About ZyDoc

ZyDoc was a Microsoft Solution Partner in 1994 and medical informatics innovator in the areas of EHR, speech recognition, digital transcription and NLP. It was founded in 1993 and is based at CEWIT (Center for Wireless and Internet Technology) at Stony Brook, NY. Additional information can be accessed at https://www.zydoc.com.

ZyDoc will be showing its HIPAA and CJIS compliant, enterprise cloud transcription Platform-as-a-Service that facilitates production of near-perfect transcripts of audio or video input to text. The platform and service facilitate a fourth method of EHR clinical documentation pioneered by ZyDoc , proven to be 61% more efficient than keyboard and mouse in a landmark NIH sponsored Columbia EHR Usability Study. ZyDoc solves the EHR usability puzzle with an easy-to-use and highly efficient dictation method without speech recognition and the need to dictate punctuation and perform corrections. ZyDoc accurately generates detailed medical documentation with punctuation and formatting averaging 99.6% accuracy. Technology allows conversion of free text to structured data and interoperability allows automation of section level insertion into EHRs. We will be able to surpass the accuracy of our prior NLP conversion of free text to structured health care data.

Comprehensive documentation improves clinical outcomes, enhances referrals, optimizes charge capture and minimizes malpractice risks. The dictation method is intuitive to use, requires virtually no training and saves physicians hours of work dealing with the EHR burden. The secure platform allows all data to reside encrypted on the servers and it produces a full audit trail with geo-location to identify surreptitious offshoring.

For more information on the TrackDoc Connect platform, prospective hospitals and transcription companies should contact Lisa Robbins, at the ZyDoc Operations Center for a personalized demo [email protected] or 1-800-546-5633.

James M. Maisel, M.D.
ZyDoc Medical Transcription, LLC
+1 800-546-5633
email us here
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The Cure for the Common EHR

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/668177495/zydoc-co-sponsors-microsoft-nyc-meeting-on-perspectives-in-health-care-ai