InventionHome® Product Developer Creates Applicator Tool Designed to Easily Roll on Suntan Lotion
InventionHome® Product Developer Creates Applicator Tool Designed to Easily Roll on Suntan Lotion

MONROEVILLE, PA, USA, February 15, 2024 / — Ed A. of Fenton, MI is the creator of the Self-Tanning Towelette Applicator, a modified roller applicator used to apply self-tanning towelettes to any area of the body with ease. Users can fully apply suntan lotion and oil to hard-to-reach areas, preventing uneven and blotchy application. The device is comprised of small, soft roller (similar to a paint roller) with a handle that will allow the user to apply the towelette to hard-to-reach areas of the body. Users will attach the towelette to the applicator tool and apply it to his or her body using the handle. The towelette can be flipped around as needed to fully complete application. Users can maximize even coating of lotion/oil with the towelette. The tool prevents people from having to ask for help to apply towelettes, saving considerable time and effort.

Growing awareness of skin health and the importance of using sunscreen and other products is positively impacting the market for lotion applicators while tanning, spending time at the beach, and much more. Consumer preferences for easy-to-use, mess-free, and travel-friendly applicators drive product development and marketing strategies. People are consistently looking for more convenient products like the Self-Tanning Towelette Applicator to independently apply their lotions, oils, and creams, especially without having to ask for help. Manufacturers looking to enhance their product lines are attempting to identify versatile products to increase their profits.

Ed filed his Utility Patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and is working closely with InventionHome, a leading invention licensing firm, to sell or license the patent rights to his Self-Tanning Towelette Applicator product. Ideal licensing candidates would be U.S. based product manufacturers or distributors looking to further develop and distribute this product innovation.

Companies interested in the Self-Tanning Towelette Applicator can contact InventionHome at [email protected]. Inventors currently looking for assistance in patenting, marketing, or licensing their invention can request information from InventionHome at [email protected] or by calling 1-866-844-6512.

About InventionHome®

InventionHome is a leading invention and product licensing firm focused on helping inventors and entrepreneurs through the invention and patent process with the goal of licensing or wholesaling client inventions. For more information, email [email protected] or visit

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