Debra Gawrys’ Book “Beyond Tutoring” is a Guide for Parents Who Want REAL Answers to Their Child’s Academic Struggles
Debra Gawrys’ Book “Beyond Tutoring” is a Guide for Parents Who Want REAL Answers to Their Child’s Academic Struggles

Beyond Tutoring: A guide for parents who want REAL answers to their child’s academic struggles

Beyond Tutoring: A guide for parents who want REAL answers to their child’s academic struggles

Author Website Debra Gawrys

Author & Book Writer Debra Gawrys

Author & Book Writer Debra Gawrys

Debra Gawry’s book is for parents to understand their child’s struggles. It offers expert guidance to find the appropriate solution for their child’s struggles

Debra Gawrys is a professional expert on learning disabilities. Her book helps parents understand and support their child’s academic struggles.”

— Debra Gawrys

ILLINOIS, PALOS HEIGHTS, UNITED STATES, February 27, 2024 / — Author Debra Gawrys is glad to announce the release of her latest book, “Beyond Tutoring: A Guide for Parents Who Want REAL Answers to Their Child’s Academic Struggles.” With years of experience in education and learning disabilities, she provides valuable guidance for parents seeking to understand and support their children through academic challenges.

Debra’s book “Beyond Tutoring” discusses the common challenges and anxieties experienced by parents and guardians of academically failing youths. Debra offers a thorough explanation of the root causes of academic difficulties and a clear route to practical answers by drawing on her parents’ experience and her education knowledge.

“As a parent myself and with my background in education, I understand the challenges that families face when their children encounter academic difficulties,” says Debra Gawrys, author of “Beyond Tutoring.” “This book is a culmination of my years of experience working with students and families, offering real answers and finding appropriate solutions to look at and to support children on their learning journey.”

Through her book, Debra addresses many parents’ questions, such as why their child is struggling academically, what kind of help is most effective, and how to navigate the educational system to ensure their child’s success. By sharing her insights and expertise, Debra empowers parents with proper knowledge for their children and equips them with the right help they need to help children.

“Beyond Tutoring” is not just for parents of students with diagnosed learning disabilities; it is a valuable resource for any parent whose child is facing academic challenges. Whether a child is struggling with decoding, attention, anxiety, or self-esteem issues, Gawrys provides valuable advice and support to help parents understand their child’s needs and find effective solutions.

Debra Gawry’s book is essential for any parent who wants to understand their child’s academic difficulties better and support them meaningfully. With her compassionate and expert guidance, her book is full of valuable insights and practical strategies that will enable parents to advocate for their children and assist them in reaching their full potential.

In “Beyond Tutoring,” readers will find complete explanations of the underlying causes of academic difficulties. It offers guidance on navigating the education system and advocating for your child. The book also offers practical methods for supporting your child’s academic and emotional needs, along with tips for creating a positive learning environment at home. In addition, “Beyond Tutoring” features real-life stories and examples that illustrate key concepts.

Debra Gawrys is an educator and advocate with over 29 years of experience in education. She holds a K-8 Education Degree in teaching and a Master’s Degree in Special Education from St. Xavier’s University. Debra specializes in teaching students with learning disabilities in classroom and private settings. She has dedicated her career to helping students and families guide the challenges of learning differences.

The book, “Beyond Tutoring: A Guide for Parents Who Want REAL Answers to Their Child’s Academic Struggles” is available for purchase at

For more information about the book and author Debra Gawrys, visit

For media inquiries, author interviews, or review copies, email at [email protected]

Contact Information:

Debra Gawrys

Phone: 773.405.4302

Palos Heights, USA

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Marketing- Core Web Digitals
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