Create Safe Space, Inc Announces Delaware Statewide Summit: A Call for Unity in Response to Rising Division & Hate
Create Safe Space, Inc Announces Delaware Statewide Summit: A Call for Unity in Response to Rising Division & Hate

Benevolent Community - A Choice for A Better Future

Creating Benevolent Community for the Children

We Can Be The Light to Illuminate Our Shared Humanity

Benevolent Communities Illuminates Shared Humanity

Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr., Distinguished Keynote Speaker

Together Citizens of Delaware Can Create Benevolent Community – Bringing Light To Children’s Future

The greatest gifts are those that unite us, holding another’s dignity as if it were your own is benevolence in action.”

— Lori Yadin

DOVER, DE, UNITED STATES, January 4, 2024 / — Create Safe Space Founder, Lori Yadin welcomes, “All concerned citizens, leaders, changemakers, and visionaries to the Benevolent Community Summit.”

The Benevolent Community Initiative is a project of Create Safe Space, Inc, a 501c-3 organization, whose dedicated volunteers are emboldened by the words of the American Cultural Anthropologist, Margaret Mead, who many years ago wrote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

This event, was inspired by Mead’s words and with hope that the Summit will uplift the importance of community connection and engagement. The upcoming Benevolent Community of Delaware Summit will take place on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at the Rollins Conference Center in Dover, Delaware. The one-day conference will feature Benevolent Community Conversations and Workshops led by professional facilitators, and an inspirational keynote address by Dr. Eddie S. Glaude, Jr., prominent scholar, currently the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, Researcher of the American Experience, and Best-Selling Author. The Summit participants will receive a template and tools to build Benevolent Community Circles in communities, workplaces, houses of worship, schools, agencies, and organizations.

Yadin states, “Our goal is to bring all people in our communities together, bring all our birthright gifts and experiences to thoughtful conversation to discuss creating a cultural shift. That is, one that bridges divides; thereby providing the healing space needed to support the discovery of new possibilities and solutions necessary to build lasting benevolent communities, those that illuminate our shared humanity. We see such communities as a life-force for change and the balm needed to repair the brokenness that we have all witnessed in these challenging times.”

At this pivotal moment in history, one where so many agencies across the country are reporting an exponential rise in division and hate, a quote attributed to Orson Wells resonates loudly, “When you really know somebody you can’t hate them. Or maybe it’s just that you can’t really know them until you stop hating them.”

The Summit’s mission is to respond to the growing divisiveness and hate by imagining a path to Benevolent Community. A path that brings about harmony and healing – one where positive local change can only happen when citizens from all segments of society listen to, know, care about, and trust each other. Building trust-worthy relationships across communities is an influential and proven path to closing the tragic gap of divisiveness, dehumanization, and alienation, currently felt by so many in Delaware and across the Nation. Yadin believes that, “Each of us is a steppingstone to discerning a route forward, building an environment for all people – that it will take engaged citizens and leaders to do this work, creating a better path for our children, grandchildren and future generations.”

The event organizers hope that organizations, neighborhoods, houses of worship, government agencies and school leaders will attend and become Event Partners and Participants! The Benevolent Community Summit on March 20th promises to be an inspirational and transformative beginning that will support all Delawareans in an on-going effort to bring about connection and positive community change.

“The greatest gifts are those that unite us, holding another’s dignity as if it were your own is benevolence in action, shares Yadin, “And we can engage with each other, be vulnerable and brave – take a stand against divide and hate. “

This is the time when all are called to ask, “If Not Now, When?”

To become a supporting Partner or for further information contact Lori Yadin,
[email protected].
Visit their website:

Register for the Benevolent Community of Delaware Summit on Eventbrite:

Lori S. Yadin
Create Safe Space, Inc
+1 301-785-7161
email us here

Originally published at

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