Football Helmet with Smaller Facemask Grid Helps Reduce the Chance of Neck and Spine Injuries

MONROEVILLE, PA, USA, January 12, 2024 / —
Marc H. of Tenino, WA is the creator of the Grabless Football Helmet, a modified football helmet with a unique facemask and visor that cannot be fully grabbed and pulled by other players. The facemask features small grid openings, square, triangular, or otherwise shaped, and an attached plastic visor to maximize safety by not putting the player at risk of having their facemask grabbed. The distinct grids utilize smaller spaces between the cross bars to prevent another player’s fingers from grabbing onto the facemask. Players will not have to worry about facemask penalties and can maintain their safety by avoiding the risk of injury to the neck and spine. The mask can be especially useful for youth sports where safety is of paramount importance.

The market for football equipment and other related accessories is a dynamic and evolving space, altered by factors like advancements in technology, a growing emphasis on player safety, and the desire for personalized gear. Advances in helmet technology have led to the development of modified helmets with enhanced safety features such as smaller face masks and face mask grids, innovative padding systems, and impact absorption modifications aimed at reducing the risk of head injuries. Increasing awareness of the long-term effects of head injuries, including concussions, has driven interest in helmets that offer better protection. This awareness has significantly influenced the market as players and organizations seek solutions to minimize the risks associated with the sport, especially for youth athletes. Products like the Grabless Football Helmet that are innovative on these modifications are important to growing the sport of football and could be a significant enhancement to any manufacturer’s product line.

Marc filed his Utility Patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and is working closely with InventionHome, a leading invention licensing firm, to sell or license the patent rights to his Grabless Football Helmet product. Ideal licensing candidates would be U.S. based product manufacturers or distributors looking to further develop and distribute this product innovation.

Companies interested in the Grabless Football Helmet can contact InventionHome at [email protected]. Inventors currently looking for assistance in patenting, marketing, or licensing their invention can request information from InventionHome at [email protected] or by calling 1-866-844-6512.

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