Enhancing Executive Presence for Success in the Boardroom

Enhancing Executive Presence for Success in the Boardroom

Anett D. Grant, Executive Communication Coach and Author

As never before, leaders need to project gravitas – the leadership presence that inspires confidence that they can land the plane in today’s turbulent times.

The runway is getting shorter. Today’s leaders are given months, not years, to demonstrate their impact.”

— Anett D. Grant, executive communication coach

MINNEAPOLIS, MN, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, June 27, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — According to Andy Challenger, Vice President of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, there is an increasing demand for change in corporate leadership. Notably, the Tech sector reported 50 CEO changes this year, marking a 32% increase from the 38 CEO changes in the first quarter of 2022.

In the present climate, leaders are being called upon to project a strong leadership presence, also known as gravitas. This quality inspires confidence and ensures others believe in a leader’s ability to guide their organizations through turbulent times. Anett Grant, President of Executive Speaking, Inc., emphasizes the urgency of demonstrating such impact, stating that “Today’s leaders are given months, not years.”

To help leaders successfully navigate these demands, Anett Grant offers three key tips:

Tip One: Story over Slides – Leaders are encouraged to focus on the narrative rather than relying on their presentation slides. Rather than expecting charts and numbers to carry the message, the story should be supported, but not driven, by the slides.

Tip Two: Conversational Speaking – Grant recommends the use of personal, active voice instead of the official passive voice. A conversational approach helps communicate the speaker’s conviction, confidence, and ownership of the story.

Tip Three: Controlled Pace – Leaders should avoid rushing their speech. Grant suggests a slow, deliberate pace to convey composure and strong leadership presence. She also recommends pausing between thoughts and spacing speech into bullet points and paragraphs.

Anett D. Grant has a 44-year history of coaching leaders, including executives from 61 of the Fortune 100 companies. She specializes in helping global leaders communicate authentically. For further information or to gain additional insights on enhancing leadership presence and gravitas in the boardroom, contact Anett D. Grant.

About Executive Speaking, Inc.:

Executive Speaking, Inc., is a global leader in corporate communication coaching, led by President Anett Grant. The company is dedicated to helping leaders communicate with authenticity and impact. https://calendly.com/execspeak/30min

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this press release are those of the individuals mentioned and do not necessarily reflect the views of the company.

Source: Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Tech sector CEO changes report, Anett Grant

Anett Grant
Executive Speaking, Inc
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/641730254/enhancing-executive-presence-for-success-in-the-boardroom