Natural Wellness Platform Announces Plans  to  Launch  Stress.Social
Natural Wellness Platform Announces Plans  to  Launch  Stress.Social

people are looking for a way to connect and share with other members of the holistic health community in a comfortable environment””

— Dr. Patricia McCartney

FORNEY, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, April 3, 2023/ — Herb-n-Wellness announces plans to launch a social media style wellness forum. is a membership based forum that allows members to share with others who are likeminded, on natural wellness topics. Discussion areas will include mental and emotional wellness and specific health topics such as cancer, cognitive decline, heart disease, long Covid and other chronic health issues. Members will also have access to wellness posts by Dr. Patti McCartney, the site’s founder. In addition to being a board-certified naturopathic doctor, animal naturopathic doctor, master herbalist and licensed attorney, Dr. Patti will also draw on her training and experience as a cognitive wellness Coach in contributing through her posts and discussions.
According to McCartney, “people are looking for a way to connect and share with other ,members of the holistic health community in a comfortable environment”. That was the inspiration for creating this one-of-a-kind wellness. Although visitors can register and join now, is expected to officially launch in May.

DR, Patricia W. “Patti” McCartney
+1 469-596-3356
email us here

Originally published at

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