Positive Psychology Experts Bring 8 Steps to Mental Health and Well-Being to Brazil in New Book

Positive Psychology Experts Bring 8 Steps to Mental Health and Well-Being to Brazil in New Book

Well-Being Book for Portuguese-Language Readers

Well-Being Book for English-Language Readers Entitled "Purpose and Possibilities: How to Transform Your Life"

Well-Being Book for English-Language Readers

A perfect guidebook for our Brazilian readers at this turbulent time in which people need to transform themselves to give a new meaning in their personal and professional lives.”

— Ricardo Riedel, President, Grupo Editorial Pensamento

STATE COLLEGE, PA, USA, October 10, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — For over 40 years positive psychology experts Elaine Brzycki, Ed.M., and Henry Brzycki, Ph.D., have transformed the consciousness of the American society to help people of all ages understand the importance of prioritizing mental health and well-being in living a full life, and now their work is available to the Brazilian society.

Their 5th book, “The Eight Steps to Achieving Well-Being: Simple and Effective Techniques to Improve Mental Health in a Fast-Paced World” has just been published and released this October by a leading publisher in Brazil – Grupo Editorial Pensamento. (The book is available for English-language readers under the title Purpose and Possibilities: How to Transform Your Life.)

Grupo Editorial Pensamento publishes books that not only inspire, but also impact the consciousness of Brazilian people. President of Grupo Editorial Pensamento, Ricardo Riedel, asserts, “’Purpose and Possibilities: How to Transform Your Life’ is a perfect guidebook for our Brazilian readers at this turbulent time in which people need to transform themselves to give a new meaning in their personal and professional lives. We, at Grupo Editorial Pensamento, decided to publish this important work in the Portuguese language, because the authors – in their more than 40 years of experience – present proven methods to be followed seeking a higher objective in their lives.”

The book has been praised for being “an engaging exploration … a meaningful guide that challenges readers,” and for how it “encourages … openness and perseverance” (Publishers Weekly). It has received acclaim as “a book about your life … the perfect book at the perfect time … invaluable … a guidebook with exercises, reflections and meditations to help you really get to know yourself down deep inside and to help you grow and change” (BookTrib).

From their clinical practice, numerous academic studies, substantive research and four best-selling books, Elaine Brzycki and Dr. Henry Brzycki have captured best practices for putting mental health and well-being at the center of life in the modern world, as a way to not only survive life’s challenges but to experience a real and lasting sense of thriving.

With Brazil’s commitment to overall wellness, it is natural for this unique approach – to pro-actively teach mental health and well-being skills – to resonate with the country’s culture moving into the future. Brazil is considered by the Global Wellness Institute to have the #1 wellness economy out of 46 Latin America-Caribbean Countries, and #11 wellness economy out of 218 countries worldwide. The measure of the wellness economy is based upon sectors of activities and expenditures, for example, mental wellness, nutrition, public health and prevention. “The Eight Steps to Achieving Well-Being” will enhance Brazil’s commitment to overall wellness, where Elaine and Henry Brzycki hope to partner with the Brazilian Ministry of Health and Alexandre Padilha, along with Camilo Santana and the Ministry of Education, to distribute these innovative prevention practices to all Brazilian children, adolescents, young adults and people.

In describing the book, Grupo Editorial Pensamento says that through proven methods it meets the needs of our times with impactful techniques for improving mental health and well-being. Written to help people achieve true and lasting transformation, the authors detail the eight stages of well-being and start with the following question: how does this transformation process occur? Based on educational psychology, positive psychology and developmental psychology, the authors present simple topics to achieve this inner change, as well as practical and objective exercises, which will lead readers to deeper self-knowledge.

Dr. Henry Brzycki explains, “Our research has shown that healing and transformation begins with each individual developing a sense of purpose. Each individual also thrives and grows when they have an open mind to all the possibilities in their life. Research shows that happy, healthy, and flourishing people don’t do harm to themselves or others. The process of exploring your purpose gives you access to your most core being and inner strength. You naturally want to grow and change – you have a powerful force within. When you put the well-being of your self at the center of your life, you actually create yourself to be more giving to others.”

Elaine Brzycki describes further, “What makes this book especially unique is that we provide 40 attributes of the self. These attributes tell you what the current research indicates a mentally healthy and thriving self looks and feels like. We guide you to observe these attributes in your own self, and then choose which of these attributes will best support your own transformation toward a more flourishing life to the level of your highest hopes and dreams.”

Elaine Brzycki continues, “We are proud to be associated with Grupo Editorial Pensamento for their exceptional reputation in the publishing world and for their commitment to helping their readers to live a better life and flourish. And it has also been wonderful to see them announce our book as a great match for those looking to improve women’s physical and emotional health, as women are so important to Brazil’s forward-thinking society.”

The Portuguese-language version of the book – “The Eight Steps to Achieving Well-Being” – can be found on the Grupo Editorial Pensamento website, at Amazon Brazil and at major bookstores in Brazil.

The English-language version – “Purpose and Possibilities: How to Transform Your Life” – can be found at Amazon and Barnes and Noble booksellers.

Dr. Henry G. Brzycki and Elaine J. Brzycki
The Brzycki Group & The Center for the Self in Schools
+1 814-753-2505
[email protected]

Well-Being Experts Share New Book with Brazilian Readers

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/660888847/positive-psychology-experts-bring-8-steps-to-mental-health-and-well-being-to-brazil-in-new-book